Saturday, September 15, 2007

September 15th

A year ago today I committed to reading 5 pages a day in my Bible. I heard several people say "if you read 5 pages a day from your Bible, you will complete it in one year." Unfortunately, I didn't complete the entire Bible, & honestly I haven't read 5 pages a day either. I'm currently on Jeremiah 4:19. I elected to read from the Life Application Bible, & it's very helpful. The Life Application Bible goes more into depth about what I'm reading. I'm not sure how anyone who has ever read the King James version understood God's word. I gained so much from my quiet time...reading, thinking, applying, etc. I'm disappointed that I didn't complete the entire Bible by today. I am proud that I am learning & can help others if they ask questions related to the Bible. Unfortunately, I am only knowledgeable up to Jeremiah 4:19....hahahahaha!
Landon scared me this morning. I was teaching a class at Gymboree & of course he came with me, & as I was locking up the building, he fell down and started screaming. He landed on the side of his face. I noticed his check & forehead were all puffy & red. As a parent you fill so helpless in situations like that. Fortunately, he's okay.
Last month my sister, Lacy, & my Dad, Randy, ran the Pike's Peak Ascent. 13.32 miles up to the top of the summit. If you ask me that's just torture to your body. The good news is is that they both completed the the race & made it to the top of Pike's Peak all in one piece! CRAZY!!!!I never knew until recently that my Dad had always dreamed of running this particular race. AND, my sister, the same person who never even played any sports growing up (unless she was being graded for it), is now running marathons! WILD....Anyway, I'm encouraged through readings from Joel Osteen Ministries, & he frequently talks about "God will make your dreams coming to pass if you put your faith in Christ." I'm curious if God lit a spark in Lacy & encouraged her to purse running to ignite that dying flame in my Dad. My Dad's dream has "come to pass" & he fulfilled his desire to run the Pike's Peak Ascent. And what's so exciting about all of this is that he ran with his daughter all the way to the top of the earth. AND when they finally made it to the finish line, he let Lacy cross the finish line before himself. COOL!
Yesterday, my Mom sent me an article from the Wichita Eagle & it featured an article about my sister & my Dad's adventure to the top of the peak. It was an emotional article to read.
My parents were visiting a few weeks ago and they asked my family to join them next year in Colorado. Jeff & I elected to hang out with the kids while they run the ascent again. AND, for a brief moment I considered running it with them, but after reading that article, I realized that the Pike's Peak Ascent is their "thing" & that's what they enjoy doing together. AND as tempting as it sounds to run with my Dad & my sister, the 3 of us together....I just don't want to die on Pike's Peak, I want to continue living....running is torture....forget it!hahahahaha.....

Friday, September 14, 2007

Love My Men

Here in the midwest & especially in Oklahoma, the smell of maneuer & corn dogs lingering in the air indicates that the FAIR is in town! Yesterday I took Landon to the state fair. We explored the exbitis, checked out the rides, but most importantly had a corn dog. AND BOY did he gobbled that thing down..... (and so did I)
After looking online for a halloween costume for Landon the last month or more, I finally purchased one for him. I don't want to spoil it for those who want to be surprised....(Jeanie)...but lets just say "The Force Be With You".
Jeff came home a little early yesterday & the three of us played outside until it was time for Landon to get a bath & go to bed. We live pretty close to a regional airport & airplanes buzz our home frequently. Jeff & I are convinced we have a little pilot on our hands (only fitting seeing as though his uncle, grandfather, and great-grandfather are/were pilots) Every time he spots a plane he stops dead in his tracks & hollers out "AIRPLANE"! We'll be driving & that kid will see a plane while it's flying between the clouds. He's AMAZING.....
But no matter how busy Landon is, whether he's pointing at planes or pulling his little red wagon, if you ask him for a kiss, he will walk over to you & plant a "big one" on ya!.
I'm not sure why God elected Jeff & I to raise one of His children. I'm very grateful to God for Landon. Landon's arrival took Jeff & I by surprised, but then again God's Will usually does. Landon has changed our lives for the better. I reflect back on what our lives were like better Landon & in all honestly....not very fulfilling. I think for me, I began to truly activate my faith once Landon was born. God gave me a part of Himself when He created Landon. What a special gift.....